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The Frugal Fiduciary Small Business 401(k) Blog

Get the latest industry news, deadlines and tips you need to know to help tackle your fiduciary responsibility needs.
Senate Finance Committee holds a hearing today on “Retirement Savings 2.0.” Here is what they should address to help small business retirement plans.

Senate Finance Committee holds a hearing today on “Retirement Savings 2.0.” Here is what they should address to help small business retirement plans.

By: Greg Carpenter

September 16th 2014

Congress should provide greater incentives, 401k participation should become a serious commitment by the employee for their small business retirement plans
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Brokerage Windows in 401(k) Plans: Nope. Not even if they say “pretty please.”

Brokerage Windows in 401(k) Plans: Nope. Not even if they say “pretty please.”

By: Greg Carpenter

September 10th 2014

Brokerage windows are risky, potentially very expensive and appropriate for only a very small fraction of 401(k) investors. Use the fiduciary responsibility model
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Why All Employers Should Know their “All-In” 401(k) Fee

Why All Employers Should Know their “All-In” 401(k) Fee

By: Eric Droblyen

August 28th 2014

Breaking down the individual factors of a 401(k) plan is overwhelming. Instead, we recommend an All-In 401(k) fee that provides a single, total price.
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Former DOL Deputy Director declares scandal in IRA rollovers. It’s a scandal, just not the one he thinks it is.

Former DOL Deputy Director declares scandal in IRA rollovers. It’s a scandal, just not the one he thinks it is.

By: Greg Carpenter

August 20th 2014

The scandal is that we do not have fiduciary standards in place that require brokers and other advisors to act in the clients’ IRA best interests.
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New companies are trying to fill the gaps in 401(k) fee disclosure regulations. Here’s why they all fall short.

New companies are trying to fill the gaps in 401(k) fee disclosure regulations. Here’s why they all fall short.

By: Greg Carpenter

August 15th 2014

New companies are springing up to fill gaps in 401(k) fee disclosure regulations. Here is what small business retirement plan sponsors need to know.
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Plan re-enrollment: The “Wonder Drug” for your company’s retirement plan. It’s cheap, simple and benefits sponsors and employees.

Plan re-enrollment: The “Wonder Drug” for your company’s retirement plan. It’s cheap, simple and benefits sponsors and employees.

By: Greg Carpenter

August 7th 2014

Plan re-enrollment can be effective putting your small business retirement plan back on track to success. cheap and simple to implement.
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Former Obama administration official offers a plan to “fix” the tax incentives for retirement plans. Here is why it is dead wrong.

Former Obama administration official offers a plan to “fix” the tax incentives for retirement plans. Here is why it is dead wrong.

By: Greg Carpenter

July 30th 2014

Prominent politico offers a plan for getting more people to save for retirement. Here’s why I disagree. Change tax laws, not 401k rules for retirement plans
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Revenue sharing is on the decline in 401(k) plans. Three reasons why it will soon be gone altogether.

Revenue sharing is on the decline in 401(k) plans. Three reasons why it will soon be gone altogether.

By: Greg Carpenter

July 16th 2014

Revenue sharing is the practice of adding additional non-investment related fees to the expense ratio of a mutual fund. The investors don’t see the fees being deducted.
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GAO suggests changes to the Form 5500 to promote clarity and consistency. We agree.

GAO suggests changes to the Form 5500 to promote clarity and consistency. We agree.

By: Greg Carpenter

July 10th 2014

401k service providers dislike Form 5500 because completing the form for clients is like playing a game of Twister. Form 5500 fee disclosures are not consistent with others.
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